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Little Women (1869)


Little Women is a late Victorian Novel by author Louisa May Alcott. The book was published in 1869 and received a good response over all from the readers as well as book critics. The novel is based majorly on the lives of four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. The narrative is set during the great American Civil War. The father of these four girls is away serving as a minister to the troops. The family, headed by their beloved Marmee, with the help of their kind and wealthy neighbour, Mr Laurence, and his high determined grandson Laurie. The Josephine March and her three sisters Margaret, Amy, and Beth grow up under their mother’s guidance while their father fights in the American Civil War. The full of life quartet are very close and happy despite limited means. Laurie Laurence, the well off boy next door, takes a liking to Jo, and his tutor John Brooke eyes older sister Margaret during a party. Margaret marries Mr Brooke but Jo rejects Laurie’s proposal and moves to New York for new adventures. When Beth starts to lose her battle with Scarlet Fever Jo returns to her deathbed. Sister Amy returns married to Jo’s one true love, Laurie, and we wonder if she will ever find someone to replace him.

The novel has become a classic and still sells more than the contemporary fiction which offers nothing but a pass time entertainment and a little excitement as well. While the classics always offer something which is permanent and a take-home after you read experience. Little Women is also a kind of novel which offers you an experience which you can cherish even after the read is finished for the time being. Enjoy reading this fiction by Louisa May Alcott.

The book review is written by a school girl named Aditi.

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