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The Picture of Dorian Gray


Fewer are the novels which actually take a hold of you and grip your readership till the end. One of those, I came across The Picture of Dorian Grey recently. This novel was written by Oscar Wilde and published in 1890. Too famous as well as notorious, The Picture of Dorian Gray remained the only novel by author Oscar Wilde! Thus, the novel’s fame kept on a constant surge. Even today, the Wilde’s creation is much appealing for the readers who want to read something unusual and ‘great’ (maybe otherwise).

Packed with all sorts of drama, this novel is sure to take you on a ride worth your time. Lord Henry’s impeccable wit forgives none. Almost everytime that he decides to open his mouth, the reader is in for the greatest of the epigrams. The truth that you somewhere knew but never had the grit to confront.

The dark novel, the worth of which you may well realize only after a few pages into it, explores the sins of a ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ young man (importance of this attribute has not been omitted) Dorian. His conventional life takes a wild turn with the entry of the whimsical Lord Henry. He gets driven by Henry’s hedonistic views of life and tries his hand at almost all vices, the effect of which, is seen on his magnificent picture made by his friend Basil. He goes on living a typical Victorian life, caring for his reputation in the society. Nevertheless, he also keeps his exploration as a ‘vice-maker’ on.

The flamboyant Oscar Wilde mastered philosophy in the most ingenious way. He brought his wit and insight into play which made for one of those mind-boggling novels you want to read over and over again. The Picture of Dorian Gray, however severe criticisms it bore in its time, is the novel for ‘those readers’ today and would certainly be ‘it’ tomorrow!

If you are all for quick-wit and satire, this is the one book to go for. While it was regarded as an immoral novel by the critics of that era, in my opinion, it should be a must read. A great classic work like this one ought to be given a chance to. Read and see for yourself. Nevertheless, be ready for some extravaganza as well! Oscar Wilde has different plans for you once you start reading this great novel.

Review by – Prakriti Gupta

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