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50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website – Review


Though the book is old, it does not take away many things that are working as the white hat SEO practices to make your website very famous on the Google search result pages or SERPs. The good practices are still good practices and one should know about those if one wants a website to come to the top of Google search results. So, what am I talking about? Why am I talking about these things today? I want to let the readers of The Book Blog know about a book that can teach you the basics of SEO without visiting any institute or paying heavy amounts to learn these basic and advanced skills. In this book, 50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website, by Steve Johnston and Liam McGee, the readers who are interested in SEO can learn many things. Here is my impression of the book after reading it thoroughly.

Content is the king! There is no doubt in accepting this theory. After the unacknowledged but certain release of WEB 2.0, it has been established by the experts and also by the results of tests, experiments and campaigns that content is the undisputed king on the web. The book emphasises on the correct use of content in the correct formats – headings, sub-headings, bold and italics where needed, capitals and bullets and so on… the book also emphasises on the use of perfectly designed content blocks so that Google crawler can pick them up for its processing and listing. The leading book review websites in India must have used the same skills in getting to the top.

In short, the authors of this book have provided very useful inputs and also illustrated examples that will tell, any reader with a basic knowledge of what SEO, how to use SEO practices, ethical ones, to make Google rank your website higher when there are search queries for many keywords that relate to your website. There are many ideas in the book that can help the readers interested in world wide web create a website from scratch and make it rank higher very quickly. So, if you are also a reader who is interested in WWW and knows a little of SEO, you are very well settled to read this book and help yourself in getting your website at the top of your target keywords. All the best for your strife and I am sure the book 50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website will help you with tour SEO goals and also in achieving it quickly. Here is a link to the book that you can click to buy a copy of this book from Amazon India:

Buy the book – click here

review by Santosh Verma for The Book Blog

50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website

265 Rs



Ease of Reading


Facts & Presentation & Analysis


Expertise of the Authors in the Subject



  • Quality content
  • Expert opinion & skills
  • Easy to understand and implement the knowledge


  • Some information is redundant

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