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The Book Blog

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[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”40″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″] In Short[/mks_dropcap] The Book Blog is all about the passion of a group of readers who are here to let the world know what they read. We read in the days; we read in the night; we write when we have enough of the reading job done. We are the readers who seem to have lost something in some pages of some book a hundred years ago and today, looking for that thing, we are turning the pages of any book which falls ahead of us… and in doing so, we enjoy the contents of the book as well!

The Book Blog is also the result of a reading passion – a hardcore reading passion that can be found only rarely. We read almost everything; from the best to the worst; from exceptional to below average; from Napoleon Hill to Jiddu Krishnamurti; from Shakespeare to Arthur Miller and what not… our reading list is pleasant to someone, complex to another one and a surprise to another one… to conclude, we are a group of readers who are born to read books irrespective of their readability quotient!

We are always open to pieces of advice, appreciation, and criticism. You can do so by simply commenting on the reviews that we have added on The Book Blog. We will be thankful for each piece of feedback that we receive from you. We are always keen on improvement and we keep making efforts in that direction.

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We welcome the reading invites from new authors as well as established ones. Authors can get in touch with us at contact@thebookblog.in

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