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Home / Fiction / Remembrance of the Earth’s Past by Liu Cixin – the world of 3 Body Problem and more, things you would love to know before you read the novels

Remembrance of the Earth’s Past by Liu Cixin – the world of 3 Body Problem and more, things you would love to know before you read the novels


Exploring the Epic Universe of “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” by Liu Cixin


What is the reason that people like reading science fiction works? Moreover, in today’s world of information and entertainment, people sometimes tend to read books after watching something amazing on the screen. “3 Body Problem” is a prime example of the same! A web series on Netflix, the OTT platform recently criticised for its absurdity and overdose of wokism, has set the world of science fiction lovers on fire! “3 Body Problem” is a part of the trilogy “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past”. As the thriller web series is trending, here are the things that many readers must be interested in knowing. 


“Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” by Liu Cixin transcends the boundaries of conventional science fiction, weaving a sprawling saga that stretches across centuries and galaxies. Comprising three monumental novels—”The Three-Body Problem,” “The Dark Forest,” and “Death’s End”—the series captivates readers with its audacious scope, philosophical depth, and mind-bending concepts. Through its exploration of humanity’s encounter with an alien civilisation and the following existential challenges, Liu Cixin invites readers on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos, challenging them to confront the mysteries of the universe and the complexities of the human condition.


Significant Themes and Issues:

At the heart of “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” lies a tapestry of profound themes and issues that resonate with readers long after turning the final page. The trilogy grapples with the nature of progress and technological advancement, raising questions about the ethical implications of scientific discovery and the limits of human ingenuity. Moreover, Liu Cixin delves into existential questions about the fate of humanity in the face of cosmic threats, exploring themes of survival, sacrifice, and the search for meaning amidst the vastness of space. Through his intricate narrative, the author confronts readers with the stark realities of a wondrous and unforgiving universe, challenging them to contemplate their place.


Tentative Storyline:

The journey begins in “The Three-Body Problem,” where physicist Wang Miao becomes entangled in a mysterious conspiracy that leads him to uncover humanity’s first contact with an alien civilisation. As the truth about the Trisolarans is revealed, humanity is forced to confront the staggering implications of their existence and the existential threat they pose to Earth. In “The Dark Forest,” the stakes are raised as humanity grapples with the dark forest theory. This chilling proposition suggests that the universe is a hostile place where civilisations must remain hidden to avoid annihilation. Finally, in “Death’s End,” the epic saga reaches its breathtaking conclusion as humanity ventures into the far reaches of space in a desperate bid for survival, confronting ancient cosmic forces and the enigmatic mysteries of the universe.


This Series and the Science Fiction Genre:

“Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” occupies a unique place within the science fiction genre, blending hard science fiction, space opera, and cosmic horror elements to create an intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant narrative. Drawing inspiration from scientific concepts such as astrophysics, game theory, and cosmology, Liu Cixin crafts a meticulously detailed universe that is as scientifically rigorous as it is awe-inspiring. The series transcends traditional genre boundaries, offering readers a thought-provoking exploration of humanity’s place in the cosmos and the profound implications of our actions on a cosmic scale.


Elements Setting It Apart from Other Novels:

What sets “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” apart from other novels in the science fiction genre is its unparalleled ambition and scope. Liu Cixin’s masterful storytelling transports readers across vast expanses of space and time, from the turbulent years of China’s Cultural Revolution to the galaxy’s far reaches. The series is characterised by its bold ideas, intricate world-building, and jaw-dropping revelations, keeping readers on the edge until the last page. Moreover, Liu Cixin’s ability to blend scientific speculation with philosophical inquiry sets the series apart, inviting readers to contemplate profound questions about the nature of existence and the destiny of humanity.


Author’s Other Works:

Beyond “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past,” Liu Cixin has penned many other works that have earned him acclaim in his native China and worldwide. His short stories and novels explore various themes, from the ethics of artificial intelligence to the implications of first contact with extraterrestrial life. Notable works include “Ball Lightning,” a gripping tale of scientific discovery and obsession, and “The Wandering Earth,” a visionary exploration of humanity’s struggle for survival in the face of cosmic cataclysm. Through his diverse body of work, Liu Cixin continues to push the boundaries of the science fiction genre, captivating readers with his unparalleled imagination and storytelling prowess.


In conclusion, “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past” stands as a towering achievement in the annals of science fiction literature. With its sweeping scope, thought-provoking themes, and masterful storytelling, the trilogy invites readers on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos, challenging them to confront the mysteries and complexities of the human condition. Through his visionary storytelling, Liu Cixin reminds us of the universe’s boundless possibilities and the human spirit’s enduring power to transcend even the most significant challenges.


If you want to read the novels in this series, you can get them from Amazon India. Here is the link:

Click here to buy from Amazon


Saurav for The Book Blog

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