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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


Harry Potter and the creator of his world, J K Rowling, both have been very famous since the time the series first appeared. There are people in a large number who have been the readers of Harry Potter works and I am also one of them. There is something amazing about these books – you don’t have to find something ‘literary’ in those – buy the book – read it – pass it on to someone else for a read! As simple as that is the theory with the works related to Harry Potter series. Today, I would be writing about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the 8th installment in the very famous series by Rowling.

The fictitious world of wizards continues in the 8th edition of Harry Potter fantasy novel. The story begins from where the things end up. Voldemort has been defeated and a new era of Harry and his friends; Ron and Hermione life’s begin. Harry has now become the father of 3 children and lives a simple life working in the Ministry of Magic. As Harry was famous in his schooling days, his son Albus Severus Potter named after the two great headmasters experienced all opposite. Being in Slytherin house he was hated the most. The story revolves around Albus and his friend (son of Draco Malfoy) Scorpius. The battle of Hogwarts is again against Lord Voldemort, and both of them get their best to defeat the dark time. J.k Rowling has again come up with a great story timing. The character formation and the setup around to friends whose families are supposed to be enemies are well performed. There is still a touch of old legends like Severus Snape and Dumbledore who come up to light the way for Harry as they always do! Hermoine and Ron are together with Harry to correct all the problems occurred due to the time~turner.

Indeed the storyline is good at keeping the legacy of all the parts of this fantasy world. And the mesmerism is still very much effective as the readers always are found in-line waiting for the next one… Let’s keep reading these and keep entertaining ourselves!

Review by: Ria

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