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Home / Opinions / Do you still read on Kindle readers? Upgrade now – using a better tab is smart!

Do you still read on Kindle readers? Upgrade now – using a better tab is smart!


Reading is my favourite job. Not a pass time. And being a book blogger doesn’t only help me with my expenses but also allows me to read freely, without any pressure as well as on my personal preferences. However, what format do I have to read the most? Yes, you guessed it right. It’s the Kindle format books that I read the most and at times it might be a PDF, doc manuscript or even a web file. However, what do you use to read Kindle books? Many might ask me this question a thousand times and I would answer the same – a good quality tab with a quality screen. I don’t use any Kindle reader specifically made for reading books because Kindle readers suck! Costly, low quality, and, to be frank, useless beyond reading books. A good quality tab, on the other hand, is cost-effective, multifunctional and also highly useful beyond just reading books.

Why do I use a tab to read Ebooks and not Kindly paperwhite or any other readers?

I used a Kindle reader before and it did a good job back then. It was the most basic version but with limited memory and a very basic screen. However, once the book collection increased in size, I had to upgrade to a better version and I started using Kindle Paperwhite. It was good. However, only a book reader, after all, and in India, it almost costs 12,000 RS. You can read books when you are connected to the wifi connection or offline once the books are saved on your device. Want to do something else? You cannot. Want to read a PDF you received from an author? You cannot without a hard mind-perplexing game and modes and morphs. Well, I decided to buy a tab and used Lenovo tabs, Samsung tabs and even I-ball tabs in the early days. Right now, I am using a Samsung A7 tab and let me tell you, it has everything on max and it can compete with any version of Kindle reader any day and come victorious. So, if you want to go beyond reading just Kindle books and read almost anything, read Jio mags as well, you need a tab with wifi as well as a cellular-enabled set-up and unleash the reader, as well as a writer, in you.

You can buy tabs that suit your lifestyle and your reading habits as well as your needs. You can buy almost any kind of device from Amazon India by clicking the link below:

Buy tabs for your needs – Amazon India


Feature article by Sonam for The Book Blog

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