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The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter by Shipla Raj


The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter is a much-awaited memoir for the readers who are waiting to read the first-hand account of the life of a girl from the untouchable community of India – Shilpa Raj, the author of the memoir. This memoir is surely going to rock the online stores as well as the bookstores near you because, until the date, there is not a single author coming with a memoir as his or her debut book who belongs to that so-supposed lower community of the Indian society… The official launch date of The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter is 28th of July. Nevertheless, the book is available for order on Amazon and you can book your copy right now!

This book has been praised by most of the respected book reviewers who have read the book before the publication as well as before the formal launching. They have hailed the author Shilpa Raj for he upfront views on the social structure as well as her honest narrative about her family up to three generations. She unveils the problems that her family had to face when she was younger as well as when she wasn’t even born and her father was young. Thus, her memoir takes the shape of a documentation of the pains and sufferings of those millions out there who still face the stigma of untouchability and ostracization…

The memoir, The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter, will also let the readers have the experience of reading an account of the emotional trauma which people have to face when they are deprived of something. Shilpa Raj gives the memoir an emotional touch with the recollections of her sister’s (Kavya’s) story. She is doing two things in her memoir – simply narrating the story as well as letting the readers have an in-depth look into the lives of people who are supposed to be alienated from the mainstream world. She asks the questions to the readers which are to be answered immediately by our system. When Shilpa writes:

“If Amma, in her desperation to live free of her husband’s control, had succumbed to the promise of a new and exciting life, can I blame her?”

This is the problem which she is highlighting. Not only the feminism point but also the point of lackings in a certain section of society is implicitly peeping from beneath!

We are looking for our great read of Shilpa’s debut work as an author and we will write an elaborated book review for The Elephant Chaser’s daughter very soon. Till then, we would recommend you buy this book from the Amazon link below and see for yourself what a Dalit woman writer have in store for you!



Book Feature by – Amit

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