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A Dowryless Wedding – Review


Book – A Dowryless Wedding
Author – Merlin Franco
Published by – Authors Upfront
Year Published – 2018
Page Count – 225
Interested readers might be – Young readers, teenagers, readers who like light and humorous satire

“Come Chetta, let’s talk.”

And in actuality, this is the only thing that doesn’t happen in this novel in a way it should be… the story of a marriage which crumbles… A Dowryless Wedding is a story which will entertain the readers, no doubt. Moreover, it will also throw some uncomfortable but direct questions towards the readers who read it with seriousness in their attitude. Merlin Franco, the author, should be applauded for turning this otherwise amusing story into a novel very successfully!

Franklin, who is often called Pranklee by his mother (amma), is the unlikely hero of this novel who has to be pushed into a marriage and at the time when he really wants to live it, is almost forced out of the marriage which was not going so well… you need to read it because I am not going to spell out the entire verse. A Dowryless Wedding brings us to Kanyakumari where we meet the characters in the novel – a husband, a wife, and a car are the major ones and rest others just complete the cast. Laughing on my mention of a car? Do read it to know why did I do so.

“Not a good omen…”
The novel vehemently attacks the unnecessary rituals to propagate a new idea – a dowryless wedding. That is good; however, if not worked out well, this idea can turn its head and bite the originator. Franklin is almost a victim of this and he certainly needs to think again but he won’t.

Clash of Ideas:
A Dowryless Wedding is majorly about the clash of ideas which often strike the alarm for the readers. The male protagonist is a Communist, an atheist and a modern man. His wife, however, is an almost archaic girl – a follower of her parents. It is but natural to invite the clashes like this.

The result:
This novel goes very smoothly in the terms of narrative and plot. Readers can enjoy the work without any confusion, conflict of interpretations or any other things. Merlin Franco has ensured that his novel is read to the very end by putting interesting and amusing instances here and there.

“Kanyakumari is in Tamilnadu.”

If you belong to the Southern pieces of Indian land, you are going to feel at home reading this piece. All the best guys!

Get a copy of this novel from Amazon by clicking the link below:

Merlin Franco’s Book – buy on Amazon India – Click here

review by Rahul for The Book Blog

A Dowryless Wedding - TBB Review
  • TBB Says


A must-read!

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