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Monsoon Minds


Monsoon Minds

The collection of short stories by Ravi Nambiar, Monsoon Minds is a book which will prove to be something out of the usual league to the readers. There are eighteen short stories in the book and the page count runs up to 151 pages. Each story is readily eager to enchant and encircle the minds of the readers as they go through it. The book opens with the story of Sugadamma, an old lady in the village. Talking objectively, this is a story about the death of a lady. However, there is a huge difference between a death in the village and a death in the city – there is a void in at one place and there is no difference at another.

Moving ahead in the book, readers come to know of an imaginary village called Bhavli. Bhavli is surely an inspiration which the author draws from R. K. Narayan’s Malgudi as Ravi has himself suggested in an interview for Author Interviews. Bhavli is featured in most of the short stories. Monsoon Minds, as the blurb suggests, offers you a ride into the ‘deep emotions’ of the characters who are from rural India in the southern part of the country. This is very true once you read the stories.

There is no complaint to make about the content of the book as the author delivers what he promises. The stories like An Old Love Story, By The Waves, A Mother and Her Son and so many others will offer you emotional reads which will surely make you think – make you think possibly by taking an objective stand.

In short, the stories are recollections and recapitulation of small and big events in a rural India which is quite different from the noises in the city as well as the artificial city life which only focuses on just being alive aside from the life which needs emotional bonding. The breakaway from towns; the ‘relocation’ of the narrative into the village and the way the stories are told, everything will provide the readers a definite source of calm and composed pleasure. There is no usual spice even in the short stories depicting love. A Case of Certainty offers a love affair between people from different backgrounds and as usually happens, the family members are protesting. However, the law takes its ‘right’ course and upholds the marriage. An Old Love Story gives the message of a moving life because there is no use stopping by and seeing the waves. Either swim or go back and do your work!

Monsoon Minds by Ravi Nambiar is a must read for those who want to read good books and give their senses a break from the drab. The readers can read the book in sections – one story now and another later. Throughout the book, I hope they will enjoy the read.

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