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UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapon Sites by Robert Lambert Hastings Book Review


UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites is a captivating and thought-provoking book by Robert Hastings. In this work, Hastings explores the connection between unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and nuclear weapons facilities, presenting evidence that suggests a consistent pattern of UFO sightings and interactions with atomic sites worldwide.

Over more than 40 years, investigative journalist Hastings has devoted extensive time and effort to investigating and documenting UFO sightings and incidents. In his comprehensive book, he meticulously lays out a compelling argument supported by evidence that UFOs have been repeatedly sighted close to sensitive nuclear facilities such as missile silos, storage areas for atomic bombs, and nuclear power plants. Hastings proposes that these sightings are not arbitrary occurrences but rather deliberate and purposeful actions undertaken by extraterrestrial entities, indicating a keen interest in monitoring and, in certain instances, potentially interfering with humanity’s nuclear capabilities.

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of UFO sightings near nuclear sites, drawing from in-depth research and interviews with more than 150 military veterans and civilian personnel. The author meticulously presents a wide array of documented evidence, such as declassified government documents, photographs, and radar data, to corroborate the experiences shared by the interviewees. Additionally, the book delves into the historical context of UFO encounters and their intriguing connection to nuclear weapons, offering insights into the potential implications of these events on global security and the trajectory of humanity.

One of the most intriguing aspects of “UFOs & Nukes” is the apparent consistency in the behaviour of these unidentified objects. Witnesses report that UFOs often hover over nuclear facilities, sometimes causing malfunctions or even temporary shutdowns of the weapons systems. In some cases, UFOs have been observed scanning the facilities with beams of light, suggesting a possible attempt to gather information or assess the capabilities of the nuclear weapons.

One of the most intriguing events detailed in the book is the incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base in March 1967. This event is often referred to as the “Echo Flight Incident.” During this incident, multiple nuclear missiles mysteriously malfunctioned moments after a disc-shaped craft was observed hovering near their underground launch silos. This event is not an isolated one but rather part of a pattern of UFO sightings and interactions with nuclear sites worldwide.
Another significant event highlighted in the book is the “Minuteman Missile Incident” in October 2010. During this incident, one missile base in Wyoming could not communicate with several of its missile launch control capsules just as a huge cigar-shaped craft slowly flew over them. This event, along with others mentioned in the book, suggests a consistent pattern of UFO sightings near nuclear sites and their apparent ability to interfere with the operation of atomic weapons.

These incidents, among others detailed in the book, provide compelling evidence of the UFO-Nukes Connection. They suggest that UFOs have been observed near nuclear weapons facilities, often causing malfunctions or even temporary shutdowns of the weapons systems. This consistent pattern of behaviour implies a deliberate effort by extraterrestrial beings to monitor and, in some cases, interfere with humanity’s nuclear capabilities.


The book delves into the historical backdrop of UFO sightings, exploring their correlation with the development and deployment of nuclear weapons. It emphasises the impact these encounters could have on global security and the trajectory of human civilisation and meticulously presents an array of substantiated evidence, such as declassified government files, photographs, and radar data, to bolster the assertions put forth by the individuals interviewed.

It is essential to learn about the author’s reputation within and beyond the UFO community before one can rely on Hastings’s claims in the book. Hastings’ reputation is largely positive within the UFO research community. His work has been featured on CNN, and various media outlets have interviewed him about his findings. His book has received positive reviews for its in-depth research and the wealth of evidence it presents. Hastings is also known for his efforts to bring attention to the UFO phenomenon and its implications for global security, which has earned him respect among those who are interested in the subject.

However, it’s worth noting that the credibility of his claims, like any in the field of ufology, is subject to debate. While Hastings presents a wealth of evidence, including declassified government documents, photographs, and radar data, some critics argue that the evidence is inconclusive and that other explanations for the sightings and incidents are possible.

Overall, “UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites” is a fascinating and well-researched book that presents a compelling case for the connection between UFOs and nuclear facilities. Hastings’ meticulous research and the wealth of evidence he presents make this book essential for anyone interested in the UFO phenomenon and its potential implications for global security.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon India. Here is the link: click here to get a copy now.


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Review by Sidhartha for The Book Blog

UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapon Sites by Robert Lambert Hastings Book Review
  • Rating by The Book Blog


It is one of the rarest UFO books that makes you think that we all must have doubted alien existence on many occasions but believed it once. The book keeps you swaying between this and that for a long time before you can decide. Compelling, to say very little!

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