I also slept with Rashmi Verma – Review
Indian English fiction, in recent years, has never been bereaved of erotic fiction. Be it the mainstream version of it or be it the implicit version of it, erotic fiction has been in the market – in this or that form. Recently, an author has published a book with a very expressive and maybe explicit title – I also slept with Rashmi Verma. The readers who have read it have expressed mixed opinions about the book. And from those opinions, two things are pretty apparent – the book has a limited audience and it lacks depth other than being exciting and erotic and having a varying conclusion that shifts the pattern. However, it’s time for my review of the book and I will share what I felt about it.
I also slept with Rashmi Verma is a short erotic novel that takes about 2-3 hours to finish if you are an aggressive reader. However, it might take 5-6 hours if you read it casually and go slow. It has a very limited set of characters, the people living in a management institution hostel. Of them, Rashmi Verma is the lead, dominating and a character who represents strength, feminism and narrative-shift in erotic fiction. Otherwise, we only find male characters dominating the scene in erotic novels – some big names in the field of erotic fiction also do it. This Rashmi Verma is a character who takes things casually and lightly. She is not afraid of having intimate relationships with many boys and she doesn’t give a hoot about it. The plot of this novel drives on her.
Other characters are only supportive – Peanut John, Motu, Ani and Raizada. However, out of these characters, Motu is the one who is narrating the novel and he becomes important because he is emotionally, not only physically, involved in this novel. Ani is the one who represents the campus culture – smoking, weeds, wine and giving no ‘fuck’ to anything that comes his way.
Well, the novel is full of excitement very well within the narrative’s boundaries. You will come to know about characters and their inclination as you read the novel. They represent a typical campus atmosphere that is filled with excitement, smoke and sex. There are instances of intimacy as well as absurdity. However, the novel could be a little more accommodating and broader to ensure that aspects of it could come to the fore for the readers to analyse.
The author of I also slept with Rashmi Verma is Love Thon and he has kept himself behind his pen-name. He has tried to shift the narrative from man to woman and has let Rashmi Verma take the proceedings of the novel on herself. She is dominating right from the beginning to the end of the novel. So, this is an aspect of it that the readers will probably like. And rest, you can read the novel and find yourself what’s inside it. A short, exciting and to an extent a humorous tale awaits you before it ends with something different and a twist. If you love reading erotic novels, you should go for it.
You can get a copy of this novel from Amazon India in Kindle format. Link:
review by Amit for The Book Blog
I also slept with Rashmi Verma
Good stuff for the readers of erotic fiction… the novel takes a straight course before taking a sharp turn.