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The Girl of My Dreams


Like him or hate him, an author that Durjoy Dutta is, you cannot simply ignore him. Like others have their reason to ignore the literature produced by authors like Durjoy, I have a little soft corner for them. Anyone can produce literature and literature of any kind… being a big fan of Durjoy Dutta, I bought this one too, The Girl of My Dreams, as soon as it appeared for sale. When it’s about young adult romance, he certainly is a wonderful romantic writer. The suspense and the pinch of thrill his books have, those always keep the reader hooked till the end. As usual, it’s always a love story but so different, so passionate that we kind of live with the characters till the time we finish reading the book. You might also get to have some illusive memories of the characters for some time even after your read. Thus the hangover of his portrayals takes a lot of time to subside and when it does you start waiting for the next one. Like at present I am waiting for ‘The boy who loved’ which is due to release in May 2017. His books are a feast for the lovers of Romance genre.

This time this romantic novelist has tried his hands at a suspense thriller. His attempt at this genre change from romance to romance thriller has turned out fruitful. Daman, the protagonist of the story after returning from a coma, wakes up every day due to a nightmare involving a car crash in which he sees himself with a girl named Shreyasi. (Is this girl the girl of ‘my dreams’?)

Daman starts writing blogs with Shreyasi as his muse and love. This is a kind of usual approach that any author with his sense of perception of literature would like to ascribe to the characters he creates. Durjoy does the same. The readers start loving them as a couple and he gains a good fan following. Daman, who is enjoying the wonder ride, has a real-life love interest as well. However, she is a girl named Avni. Now Avni is jealous of the fact that Daman is getting all the name and fame with this mysterious character named Shreyasi. She persuades Daman to introduce herself in his blogs but the audience reacts adversely. Daman finds himself being threatened by some girl to take a stand against the odds going around in his life.

What could happen next? How could the fancy author who has done (in)justice to his love and otherwise… would come out of this daytime nightmare?

To experience the thrill of this suspense get your copy and read!!!!!

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