Accidentally in Love

Accidentally in Love by Nikita Singh is a romance based novel, mark my words! Why I said romance based is due to the fact that there is nothing in the novel apart from romance. Perfect girls falling for perfect boys and vice versa is the basic framework on which the pages of this novel are painted. There is no scope of imperfection anywhere. There only they keep complicating their love lives falling in and out of love. The characters in

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An Unsuitable Boy

An Unsuitable Boy…the title itself opens up the doubts and assumptions that people had about Karan Johar. And Karan openly talks about almost everything. Right from his childhood till his last movie Ae dil hai mushkil. He goes on to tell how this movie is a surreal mix of fact and fantasy. He talks about his love life and how he could not unite with the first one and how the second one is still in his life as a

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The Kite Runner

[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#7c862a”]THE[/mks_dropcap] Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini If anyone has ever been able to create a mèlange of emotions like brotherhood, love, compassion and loyalty in the most heart-wrenching way, it’s the very gifted American-Afghan writer, Khaled Hosseini. Rare are the times when one can imagine a friendship tale ejecting such pathos. The Kite Runner, with its subtle poignancy, is plain stupendous. The book, moreover, does not hold back from driving the propagandists insane and speak ill

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I Too Had a Love Story

I too Had A Love Story is a simple, honest and heart touching novel for the readers who want to read romantic (or semi-romantic) fiction. It went on to become one of the national bestsellers and was written by Ravinder Singh. The message was quite simple that not all the love stories end up happily. As the story goes, the guy meets the girl on a matrimonial website and ironically falls in love with her. She also reciprocates and the

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The Alchemist

Though lately heard about the novel The Alchemist, published in 1988 and written by the great author of contemporary literary fraternity, Paulo Coelho, I have already heard the name Santiago (Muñez) in a movie named Goal. This name is all about inspiration and ambition coupled with determination and struggle. Coelho’s novel also shows the same reflections in the form of a treasure hunt… The Alchemist is all about dreams, omens, oasis and intuition. A little deeper and one can find

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Rafflesia the banished princess

All fairy tales on the book cover are not exactly the fairy tales that you find inside the book. The latest one is Rafflesia the banished princess. This is a book which rather focuses on the human side of life which is absolutely on our own prerogative that what we make out of it. Author Gautam conveys us the same message through his wonderful and almost allegorical novel which features the story of Appu and his friend Rahul… The reader

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