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I Too Had a Love Story


I too Had A Love Story is a simple, honest and heart touching novel for the readers who want to read romantic (or semi-romantic) fiction. It went on to become one of the national bestsellers and was written by Ravinder Singh. The message was quite simple that not all the love stories end up happily. As the story goes, the guy meets the girl on a matrimonial website and ironically falls in love with her. She also reciprocates and the love story begins. It is quite remarkable that online love stories have served as the foundations of some of the otherwise bestseller novels in India.

Nevertheless, in the story of I too Had a Love Story, the guy Ravin meets a girl named Khushi. Their online love races rapidly and they meet. In super flashes, their families agree to their marriage and everything is going fine only until the guy has to leave abroad. When he comes back, in the course of the events, the girl meets an accident and succumbs to death. The guy is left alone and there the story ends. (Only to start with another ‘love’ in the next book. Guess what?)

This is how the usual selling love stories in India are crafted only to raise the readers’ rush and then move ahead to something new. Ravinder Singh has done something like the same trend in his debut novel. Though the story is simple and the narrative is as straightforward as it could be for the general readers to understand. There are no literary devices per se; there is a story and it has been told; and the story is a love story which ends evoking the pathos of the readers. That’s I Too Had A Love Story for you, readers! Enjoy the work and forget about reading it again because it’s a one time read only.

Review by – Ayushee Gupta

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