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American Maharajah by Mark Levy


American Maharajah is a 2018 novel written by American author Mark Stephen Levy. Since the publication, the book has been very buzzy among the readers of contemporary fiction as well as those readers who have a keen eye for a class in the contemporary literature. Mark’s work, to be frank, cannot be dumped in the contemporary jargon box because it has the qualities which make a fictional work stand apart from the rest. What I liked the most in the novel American Maharajah is its simplicity and the idea of the author to keep things simple but impressive instead of giving away the beauty of story to the bombastic language and unnecessary twists in the plot. Mark has excelled here, honestly!

American Maharajah is an easy-read novel and it must suit the readers of all sections – the beginners as well as the pros as well as the experts. It has been designed to offer the best reading experience to everyone who decides to read it – I am talking only about the reading experience.

In the terms of plot and the storyline, the novel does not offer something which is entirely new. However, it does offer a freshness and a subtle art of storytelling with a fairly simple plot. The novel moves as per the expectations of the author save some of the instances where it changes to the colour which is not there in the reader’s imagination of the rainbow. We can take that as a ‘surprise element’ which is not many in numbers in American Maharajah.

Ravi Shankar’s character is a fluid element in the novel. It changes with the external effects on it – be it the break-up with Melissa or a relationship with Aishani or the revelations about his birth and parenting. His personality is the thing in the novel which keeps the readers curious and excited for the next happening to disclose itself to them. His visit to India is full of surprises for him as well as for the readers.

The blend of folk or a mythological tale and the modern-day people is something which brings a fresh reading experience. We might not have read something like this recently and this short-novel (only 204 pages compared to voluminous novels) offers at least the reading satisfaction with a complex issue heading to a resolution which is satisfactory for both – the characters as well as the readers. We will have to admit that Mark has written something which is not clumsy or lacking in clarity. He has written a complete fiction with his limited approach to it and that is, indeed, readable and well managed.

If you haven’t read American Maharajah yet, you should read this novel without any further delay. Enjoy this contemporary fiction with a difference! You won’t regret your decision, this is The Book Blog’s assurance with Mark’s novel and we mean it. Happy reading!

You can get a copy of this novel from the Amazon India link below:

American Maharajah on Amazon – buy now

American Maharajah - review
  • Overall


A new novel on the horizon… with a fresh theme and fresh style of storytelling… a must-read for the fiction lovers!

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