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What should your ideal reading target be for a month?


Readers have often written to us asking for a reading schedule, a reading list, a reading guide and sometimes, surprisingly, even a reading target – weekly, monthly and yearly as well. Lovely readers, reading target is something that only you can make and what we can do is, we can surely guide you to recognise your reading habits and create a realistic and achievable target on the basis of your findings. Are you ready? Let’s discuss today how can you create your reading target and pursue it so that you can make another target after the completion of your debut one… ready? Let’s get it started!

How much time do you have? This is the first question that you should ask yourself before you plan to create any kind of reading target for yourself. Time is an important and time is what we all require to do anything – minor or major. So, depending on how much do you have for reading, you will move to the next logical step.

What kind of a reader you are? Well, there is the only kind of reader – someone who reads. Nevertheless, when it comes to defining your reading schedule, target or lists, you need to be very specific with the genres that appear on your priority list at the top and the genres which take the concluding positions. So, it is simple. If you are a non-fiction guy, novel-wanderer or a poetry-lover… this will be identified by your introspection. Once you identify your reading inclination, you can move to the next logical step.

Are you going to further your inclination or coming out of your comfort zone? Well, once you decide what kind of a reader you are, you will be making your list of books, on the basis of the time that you have and the likes and dislikes on a certain scale. However, you should make sure that you alter your lists from time to time to make room for books that you read often and the books that you don’t read often. It will ensure that the reader in your get the proper treatment over time and you don’t stick to a certain genre and grow hatred or uneasiness for a genre. So, go for variety and vividity to keep the true reader alive!

And at last, this is a pro tip – challenge yourself. Once you start challenging yourself with targets, you will begin to take your reading lists seriously. For example, take a 100-page novella and ask yourself whether you can finish it on a Sunday or not. Challenge yourself and you will do it, I am sure. I have done it as well, on many occasions. You are your biggest competitor and you know that.

Ready? Make sure the very list that you make for this month (or any month in the future) is wonderful and you are really in a position to enjoy your reading hours. For that, you can simply go to Amazon India and buy the books that you love or you have decided to read. Here is the direct like to the book page on Amazon:

Buy books from here – Amazon India 


An article by a book lover for The Book Blog

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